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For Lent For Life 2020-Week #1


O God, your creation nourishes us, and we are called to care for it. When we don’t our global family suffers. This Lent, teach us to share what we have so that like the day Jesus fed the 5000, all your children have enough food to build their dreams – and a brighter future. Amen.

Hello World!

Welcome to CRS Rice Bowl 2020. We are so happy to have you join us on this Lenten journey as we travel around God’s beautiful world to meet three girls and their families. When you donate to CRS Rice Bowl, you share your life and your abundance with these families and others like them. Your generosity puts nutritious food on their tables and helps them lead healthier lives. As Jesus teaches us in the Gospel story of the loaves and the fishes, your small offering can feed many, and what may seem like a little, can actually be a lot.

For more information on ways to share the Lenten journey with our human family around the world, please visit the Diocese of Honolulu’s CRS page and the CRS website on How to Practice Lent.

Lenten Recipes: Meatless meals from around the world

Crispy Pancakes-Vietnam

Remember to put the money you saved by not buying meat – an average of $3 per person per meal – into your CRS Rice Bowl to feed our brothers and sisters in need around the world.

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