What We Do
The OSM mission is to prepare and support parishes and their leaders in all efforts related to social ministry. We focus especially on ministering to those who are most vulnerable. We strive to collaborate with community partners in an organized and effective manner that helps us all to live our faith, witness to Jesus, and follow in the footsteps of Hawaii’s Saints: Father Damien and Mother Marianne of Moloka’i.
We work toward a vision of stronger, more self-reliant communities by providing leadership training, organizational workshops, and financial assistance to parishes and other groups to solve community problems. We act as a local representative for Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, and we oversee the Ministry for Persons with Disabilities. Our emphasis on outreach to those in need, our promotion of community involvement , and our leadership on a national level signifies our intent to not only serve the immediate crises of the poor, but to initiate systemic change that addresses the root causes of social problems. We live out our mission using a four-sided approach which incorporates outreach and charity, justice and peace education, advocacy and legislation, and community organizing.