Pope Francis Prayer for the Care of Creation

Give thanks to God for Sister Water, simple and useful for life like nothing else on our planet.
September 1, 2018 marks the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. On this day, Pope Francis thanked the Lord for the gift of our common home, and all those committed to protecting it. He also called our attention to the issue of water, which he called “a very simple and precious element, yet access to it is, sadly, for many people difficult if not impossible.”
“I was thirsty and you gave me to drink” (Mt 25:35)
“For us Christians, water represents an essential element of purification and of life. We think immediately of baptism, the sacrament of our rebirth. Water made holy by the Spirit is the matter by which God has given us life and renewed us; it is the blessed source of undying life.” Our Holy Father calls us all to assist the ongoing work of our Creator by helping to care for the gifts of the rivers, seas and oceans.
“We cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields of floating plastic.”
To read the full Message of his Holiness, click here. To reference Pope Francis’ message on the “Care for our Common Home,” click on the following link: Laudato Si’.